We're just getting started. Please send stories, photos, testamonials, videos or anything you might want to add to
It's Monday (Mar 19) around noon. I just spoke to Nicole on the phone. I told her it is nice to hear her voice, I just wish the circumstances were different. We have been praying for her and Elizabeth since Jared put their pictures up at the church a few months ago. Now people around the world are praying for her.
The service was really nice yesterday. A group of Jared's coworkers showed up with James Seger, Jared's coworker he came to church with regularly. They were so blessed - by the outpouring of love from the congregation. We had a pictures of Jared with flowers on a table in the sanctuary. My husband led worship, Pastor Steve gave a salvation message, and then the floor was opened to whomeever wanted to speak. The children spoke. A couple of his coworkers. My husband and I. Pastor's wife Jocelyn. I think everyone else was just too overcome. The wrote letters to Nicole in a book we provided at the church. I Jackie's address so they could send letters directly to her. I mentioned y'all at the service and read Pastor Jon's email.
I told Nicole it has been a honor and privilege for us to have played a role in memorializing Jared. He meant so much to us - in the short time he was here. Thank you for allowing us.
The Navy service is tomorrow (Mar 20) at 2:00 in the main chapel here on base. Pastor Steve has been invited to speak. The families in leadership at our church will attend including the children. I offered to bring the pictures I have of Jared to put a personal touch on the service.
We put the flowers we had at our service in front of the sign at Camp Covington yesterday.
KUAM news released his name Saturday however they had indicated that he was a Mississippi native. I wrote to Jean Hudson, the reporter, and corrected her including a link to the story from Sheboygan Press. She published a corrected release today.
If you all get any more details please let us know. I told Nicole that the other young man that was injured is still in the hospital but his condition is improving. My husband is dropping in to check on him today. [name of the other sailor removed because it's not officially released]. I have been in contact with his sister via email.
The news here is reporting the suspect is being held at Anderson Air Force Base. I presume that is b/c the brig here at the Navy base is under construction. Anderson is a 45 minute drive from Navy to the very northern tip of Guam.
Jared was with us at CCG only a short time but he was part of our family.
Trina Ula
Photos from the service